2016 – A Year for Positive Growth

                                      Photo by Larkin Oates at Atmology in Nashville, TN

It seemed last year was about survival for many people around me. Mars was in retrograde or whatever alignment the planets were in then. So, with as much graciousness as possible, we tried to navigate loss, anxiety, and the smaller things Pooh would call a “bother”.

2016 on the other hand, is a year for positive growth. I know astrologers would back me up on that. Therefore, I am setting my intent to create positive things around me.

In line with my intentions for the year, my first Finding Your Bliss class went swimmingly. In this group we are learning strategies to protect our energy and boundaries, while surrounding ourselves with positive energies, and backing away from the more negative.

For those of us with questions about those woo woo concepts, journalist Lynne McTaggart investigated these for her book, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe.

A quick visual of this can be seen in Dr. Masaru Emoto’s short video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAvzsjcBtx8 on water crystals which were exposed to positive then negative words. Viewed from under a microscope we can see the changes. The results are profound. Enjoy!

One thought on “2016 – A Year for Positive Growth

  1. Mel

    I enjoy the article

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