Ending the Dysfunctional Gerbil Wheel of Relationships

animal-1238474_640You may exit the ride.

I occasionally wonder why some of us repeatedly date and/or marry the same type of person, despite evident angst within said relationships.

I found my answers recently, while listening to the audiobook, Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find – and Keep – Love, by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller. I feel drawn to this book’s compelling offer of hope based on specific methods to break what can be arduous and painful relationship cycles.

Based on decades of research on human attachment styles, this book helps us identify how we all bond with partners. Apparently, we develop patterns of engaging that echo the sense of security we felt with our primary caregivers.

The premise is brilliant, and upon reading, so blatantly obvious that I would be surprised if Oprah has not already done a related show.

If you are curious about what type of person will meet your bonding needs, or want to know how to have more successful communication with a partner, I highly recommend this book.

Thanks to these writers, I might not get dizzy or experience the occasional nausea from my future relational patterns.

3 thoughts on “Ending the Dysfunctional Gerbil Wheel of Relationships

  1. Susan

    This is definitely a subject I have contemplated for many years. Sounds to me like the basis for a class or series of classes at the Estuary!

    1. loates66

      Thanks. Ending dis-functional relationships is certainly something I’m getting some experience with!

    2. loates66

      Thanks Susan!

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