The whacky ADHD tendency towards time distortion was recently explained to me. In an ADDitude article, William Dodson claims, “The ADHD world is curvilinear. Past, present, and future are never separate and distinct. Everything is now.” Maybe you can relate. Have you ever gone into a store looking for a few things, only to leave […]
Category: ADD
ADD: Creatively Enhance Productivity
In a land, not long ago or far away, I creatively edited an essay with scissors. I cut out bad parts, reorganized sections, and taped the good parts together again. Needless to say, computers and other elements of business tech stretch my patience. So, I found and took an on-line class for help. During this […]
ADD Woman Increases Productivity Creatively
Recently, a fly on the wall witnessed me cut and tape blank documents together. My digital versions were lost in a computer crash and my scanner was dead, so I cobbled together new forms. Armed with liquid paper, I felt like I was in an ADD 1980’s flashback, as I managed these linear aspects of my […]
Miracle of Making My Bed
It’s a miracle if I’m not late to everything. Many days, from the moment the alarm rings, I hit the ground running. Under such circumstances, I don’t care if my room looks like an Architectural Digest photo, so I do not regularly make my bed. In fact, without any obligations, I would argue there is […]