Larkin sharing Janine Rippers 64 tips for Self-care in thought times. Larkin teaches these tips to her clients.
Author: Larkin Oates
Women’s Empowerment, with Jessica Biel and Saundra Pelletier by Larkin Oates
Women’s empowerment blog by Larkin Oates, mentioning work by Jessica Biel and Saundra Pelletier in the movement.
Women’s Confidence, "The Confidence Code"
Blog: Women’s confidence and the book the Confidence code, which researches and finds how women, even in the highest positions still battle poor esteem.
Secrets of Your ADHD Brain
ADHD brain by William Dodson says embrace your strengths, learn how to get in your zone, and create your own definition of success
Self-care in the digital age
If the Buddha Got Stuck, by Charlotte Karl inspired this blog where I imagine buddhist monks in the digital age.
Ending the Dysfunctional Gerbil Wheel of Relationships
Attached, a book on relationships and how our primary attachments determine our future relationships, and how to change negative patterns in dating.
How do you beat the rainy day blues?
Playing steel pan/drums on a rainy day, with Vanderbilt University’s OLLI program for those over 50.
2016 – A Year for Positive Growth
Hopeful blog for the year of 2016, includes having a positive outlook, and how we effect the energy field around us.
Surprises found on dreary days
To an outsider, i.e. my family of four years, the initial taupe and blue patterns might have looked cluttered against the green chaos of our yard. The outlook of my project may have seemed grim and my sanity questioned. But to their credit, no one said a word. At times, even I thought the dining […]
The temperatures drop….
As the temperatures drop, the December blooming cherry trees freeze. The salmon crabapple blossoms drop from their limbs, and the daffodils dive back underground. Since it is cold and cloudy outside, I dream of the beach. What lifts your spirits on cold blustery days?